I'm implementing a few bitboard methods and when done will benchmark them on various different hardware platforms, so far I have the following (most courtesy of Harald Lüßen):
- Code: Select all
| Name | Inventor or Supporter | Table Size |
| Rotated Bitboards (naive) | Robert Hyatt | 77.2 KByte |
| Rotated Bitboards (aligned)| ? | 35.0 KByte |
| Rotated Bitboards (switch) | (Harald Lüßen?) | 14.9 KByte |
| Rotated Indices | Alessandro Damiani | 128.3 KByte |
| Exploding Bitboards | Harald Lüßen | 3.5 KByte |
| Magic Multiplication | Gerd Isenberg | 9.7 KByte |
| Magic Multiplication 32 bit| Gerd Isenberg | 9.7 KByte |
| Sherwin Index | Michael Sherwin | 1402.4 KByte |
| Pradu Minimize Magic | Pradyumna Kannan | 844.0 KByte |
| Pradu Perfect Magic Hash | and | 627.4 KByte |
| Pradu Big | Lasse Hansen | 2306.0 KByte |
| Kogge-Stone | Steffan Westcott | 0.0 KByte |
| Simple Shift | -- | 0.0 KByte |
| Naive Shift | -- | 0.0 KByte |
| Onno Fixed Shift Magic | Onno Garms | -- |
I was wondering if any competitive variants are omitted or if there were any significant advancements made in any of the aforementioned methods in the last 3 odd years that I might be unaware of?