I have a question regarding better evaluation of leaf nodes.
I have the following board position in my alpha-beta at depth 1:
- Code: Select all
At depth 0, lets say my engine finds that Rf8 is good 4 black.
Now as this is the leaf node I enter into quiescent search and
find that there are two capture moves RxR followed by blacks
move RxR. This is a quite position (no more captures) thus I
evaluate and find that black is in a better position as he has
the control of the open file.
At depth -1 white could have played Rf1 and still have the control
over the open file after the exchanges.
- How to best handle this situation?
- or handling this situation in any way would lower the no. of ply's that
i can search and thus lowering the engine strength even more?
- should i not care as this is terminal node in search and the better move
would be found later when the moves are played on the board?
- would this alter the decision of "best move" of the by the engine?