by Pedro Castro » 17 May 2012, 14:29
Thank you Olivier and Andres.
Make the lessons take longer time than the thought, even though the lessons are written in mime native language (spanish). Spanish lessons make me not only facilitates the work, it is also interesting because there is very little information in this language. I remember when I started I read enthusiastically the comments in Spanish that Juan Carlos (Averno) maked on TSCP or the Antonio's Web (the author of Amyan).
Facilitates the work using code already written (DanaSah) and not have to make a unique code for the lessons.
I think the lessons are good for people who have some knowledge (experience) programming, people who have ever tried to do at least some small program, even though these people do not know the C language I think they'll understand everything.
My idea was that even people without any programming knowledge (there are many fans of the world of chess programs they would like to make your own engine) could understand how it is made an engine and try to do yours. But it is difficult initial leap from knowing nothing to start if you do not take the computer and books and start practicing and practicing.
Best wishes,
Pedro Castro