variantTemplate = shogi
pieceToCharTable = PNBRQFACMWG.SHD......Kpnbrqfacmwg.shd......k
maxFile = 9
maxRank = 9
pocketSize = 7
startFen = rnbckqbnr/2g1m1g2/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/2G1M1G2/RNBQKCBNR[] w - - 0 1
customPiece1 = s:NA
castling = false
pieceDrops = true
capturesToHand = true
immobilityIllegal = true
mandatoryPawnPromotion = false
promotionZonePawnDrops = true
shogiPawn = p
knight = n
bishop = b
rook = r
king = k
queen = q
commoner = g
dragonHorse = h
bers = d
alfil = a
archbishop = c
wazir = w
chancellor = m
fers = f
promotionRank = 7
promotionPieceTypes = -
promotedPieceType = p:g n:s b:h r:d a:c w:m f:q
shogiPawnDropMateIllegal = true
dropNoDoubled = p
doubleStep = false
firstRankPawnDrops = true
perpetualCheckIllegal = true
I set the variant like this, but it causes several problems.
1. Queen's icon is Lance.
2. If C(Cardinal), M(Marshal), S(Scepter. Promoted Knight) are captured, it becomes a Pawn.
3. F(Ferz), W(Wazir), and A(Alfil) are promoted to Queen, Marshal and Cardinal respectively. However, they has a completely different icon from the existing icon.
4. Pawns are promoted to G (Guard). However, it has a different icon than the existing Guard.
So I re-adjusted it like below.
variantTemplate = shogi
pieceToCharTable = PNBR.FAW++++.+++.Kpnbr.faw++++.+++.k
maxFile = 9
maxRank = 9
pocketSize = 7
startFen = rnb+ak+fbnr/2+p1+w1+p2/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/2+P1+W1+P2/RNB+FK+ABNR[] w - - 0 1
customPiece1 = s:NA
castling = false
pieceDrops = true
capturesToHand = true
immobilityIllegal = true
mandatoryPawnPromotion = false
promotionZonePawnDrops = true
shogiPawn = p
knight = n
bishop = b
rook = r
king = k
queen = q
commoner = g
dragonHorse = h
bers = d
alfil = a
archbishop = c
wazir = w
chancellor = m
fers = f
promotionRank = 7
promotionPieceTypes = -
promotedPieceType = p:g n:s b:h r:d a:c w:m f:q
shogiPawnDropMateIllegal = true
dropNoDoubled = p
doubleStep = false
firstRankPawnDrops = true
perpetualCheckIllegal = true
But when I tried this, this time the piece placement and the piece icon came out the same shape as the Shogi. In other words, it is impossible to proceed normally.
How do I fix it?
I didn't know how to post the picture, so I posted a link to download the file myself.
( https://www.mediafire.com/file/x0rtv7h9 ... d.zip/file )
If we could chat on a place like Discord, I would have posted the picture neatly, sorry.