After a year and a half my interests circled back to chess variants which led me back to WinBoard. Last time I've had trouble with Sjaak II and it was partially solved to the point where I only have to wait for a new version of either to drop. Having checked and seen that nothing new came out yet, I've decided to give Fairy-Stockfish a try.
As an exercise/test, I've decided to define a replica of the standard Shogi rules. This is the code:
- Code: Select all
# 9×9 shogi
variantTemplate = shogi
maxRank = 9
maxFile = 9
shogiPawn = p
lance = l
shogiKnight = n
silver = s
gold = g
bishop = b
dragonHorse = h
rook = r
bers = d
king = k
startFen = lnsgkgsnl/1r5b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL[-] w 0 1
pieceDrops = true
capturesToHand = true
promotionRank = 7
doubleStep = false
castling = false
promotedPieceType = l:g n:g p:g s:g b:h r:d
dropNoDoubled = p
immobilityIllegal = true
shogiPawnDropMateIllegal = true
stalemateValue = loss
nFoldRule = 4
nMoveRule = 0
perpetualCheckIllegal = true
pocketSize = 7
nFoldValue = loss
nFoldValueAbsolute = true
pieceToCharTable = PNBR.S...G........L..Kpnbr.s...g........l..k
The board loads correctly, and when I switch to "two engines" mode everything seems okay for a while. However, once a promoted piece gets captured, something weird happens. The piece enters the "pocket" still promoted, and it can't be brought out anymore. And then, when the bot tries to bring out a piece it thinks it has, WinBoard calls illegal move.
I've raised the issue with the author of Fairy-Stockfish: The author said that I've configured Fairy-Stockfish correctly and that the issue is likely with WinBoard. Can I get some help?
Thank you for your time.