Pedro Castro wrote:The other day I presented a position that gave me problems with my engine, I have found a position that not only gives problems with my engine but also with Latista and tscpegbb that have incorporate the bitbases.
[diag]8/4k3/R7/8/P2KN3/8/8/r7 w - - 1 2[/diag]
FEN: 8/4k3/R7/8/P2KN3/8/8/r7 w - - 1 2
DanaSah v1.8.5:
1 00:00 23 23 0,00 Txa4+ Txa4
2 00:00 316 316 -4,04 Txa4+ Txa4 Re6
3 00:00 1.247 124.700 0,00 Txa4+ Txa4 Re6 Rc4
4 00:00 2.249 112.450 0,00 Txa4+ Txa4 Rg6 Ta7
5 00:00 6.188 206.266 -4,42 Txa4+ Txa4 Rg6 Ta6+ Rf5 Tf6+ Rg4 Cc5
5 00:00 12.960 324.000 -4,41 Ta2 Ta7+ Rg6 Cc5 Td2+ Re5
6 00:00 32.722 467.457 -4,50 Ta2 Cc3 Td2+ Re3 Tc2 Ta7+ Re6 Tc7
7 00:00 81.916 585.114 -4,45 Ta2 Cc3 Td2+ Re3 Tc2 Ta7+ Re6 Tc7 Re5
8 00:00 154.190 700.863 -4,46 Ta2 Cc3 Ta1 Rd5 Txa4 Cxa4 Re7
9 00:00 289.155 781.500 -4,58 Ta2 Cc3 Ta1 Rd5 Tc1 Ta7+ Rg6 Tc7 Tc2
9 00:00 607.406 832.063 -4,52 Ta3 Ta7+ Re6 Cc3 Ta1 Ta6+ Rf5 Ta7 Txa4+ Cxa4
10 00:01 1.063.420 878.859 -4,56 Ta3 Cc3 Re7 Th6 Ta1 Cd5+ Rf7 Cc3 Te1
11 00:03 3.113.218 912.967 -4,62 Ta3 a5 Ta2 Re5 Re8 Cc3 Txa5+ Txa5 Rd7 Cd1 Rc6
11 00:03 3.508.769 913.741 -4,56 Re7 a5 Rd7 Rd5 Rc7 Cc3 Txa5+ Txa5 Rb6 Ta3 Rc7
12 00:04 4.581.690 929.348 -4,62 Re7 a5 Rd7 Rd5 Td1+ Rc5 Tc1+ Rd4 Td1+ Re5 Ta1 Rd5 Td1+ Re5 Rc7
13 00:09 8.622.220 938.217 -4,62 Re7 a5 Rf7 Re5 Ta2 Ta7+ Rg6 Cc3 Ta3 Cb1 Txa5+ Txa5 Rg5 Ta7
In ply 3 and 4, then Rxa4 Rxa4, la eval = 0 ????
3 00:00 12.431 177.585 -0,01 Txa4+ Txa4
4 00:00 12.467 178.100 -0,01 Txa4+ Txa4
5 00:00 13.189 164.862 -18,87 Txa4+ Txa4 Re6 Ta5 Rd7
5 00:00 19.372 161.433 -4,83 Ta3 Cd6+ Rf8 Ta8+ Re7 Ce4
5 00:00 22.386 149.240 -4,74 Ta2 Ta7+ Rg6 Ta6+ Rf7 Rd3
6 00:00 36.283 157.752 -4,86 Ta2 Re5 Tc2 Ta7+ Rg6 a5
6 00:00 63.312 166.610 -4,83 Td1+ Re5 Td8 Ta7+ Rg6 a5 Tf8
7 00:00 108.626 175.203 -4,80 Td1+ Re3 Tb1 a5 Te1+ Rd4 Td1+ Re3 Td8
8 00:01 280.141 185.523 -4,83 Td1+ Re3 Te1+ Rf4 Th1 a5 Th4+ Re3 Th3+ Rd4 Th2
9 00:05 1.053.874 185.868 -4,86 Td1+ Re5 Td7 Cg5+ Rg7 a5 Td2 Ta7+ Rg6 Ce4
In ply 3 and ply 4, them Rxa4 Rxa4, eval = 0 ?????
1 00:00 17 17 -3,40 Txa4+
2 00:00 95 95 -4,04 Txa4+ Txa4 Re6
3 00:00 480 480 0,00 Txa4+ Txa4 Re6 Ta6+
4 00:00 3.401 3.401 -4,26 Txa4+ Txa4 Re6 Ta5 Rd7
5 00:00 25.091 313.637 -4,52 Txa4+ Txa4 Re6 Cc3 Rf5 Ca2
6 00:00 173.232 541.350 -4,52 Txa4+ Txa4 Re6 Cc3 Rf5 Ta5+ Rf4 Ca4
7 00:02 1.560.034 636.748 -4,58 Re8 Cc5 Rf7 Tc6 Txa4+ Cxa4 Re7 Cb2
In ply 3 then Rxa4 Rxa4 eval = 0 ?????
I think you are on to something here. First, I assume in the FEN you printed above, you meant for it to be black's move, not whites. Since all the engines are movings black's pieces. Anyway...
After the moves Rxa4+ Rxa4, Ke6, Nd6, we arrive in the following position: (with black to move)
[diag]8/8/3Nk3/8/R2K4/8/8/8 b - - 0 3 [/diag]
At this point Latista is calling the EGBB Library with the following parameters.
int testprobe = probe_egbb(1,27,44,5,43,3,24);
1=blacks turn
27=wking @ d4
44= bking @ e6
5,43=wknight @ d6
3,24 = wrook @ a4
probe_egbb here returns a value = 0 (draw). which is obviously wrong.
maybe I am calling the Dll incorrectly, but the results of the other engines seem to indicate they are doing the same thing. I'll email daniel and alert him to the issue.
well i think i just found the problem. KRNK is not included in the bitbases as far as I can tell. But I'm not aware that there is a way for the bitbase library to say which endgames it can provide "answers" to.