This correlated very well with the number of brilliant victories won by shredder in blitz tournaments.
As I wondered how the newer stars would perform from this point-of-view, I selected 87 difficult positions within various well-known epd test-suites
(ECMGCP, LPTII, ...). I had them analysed by six programs at 10 seconds / position and then at 180 seconds /position on a Pentium IV 2200Mhz PC.
The programs were Rybka 1.0 beta 32, Shredder 9 UCI, Fruit 2.2, Toga II 1.1a, Ktulu 7.0a and Gandalf 6.0.
For each program I evaluated the ratio between the number of positions solved at 10 seconds and the number of positions solved with 3 minutes thinking time per position.
This ratio was :
- Code: Select all
Rybka 57 %
Shredder 57 %
Gandalf 55 %
Ktulu 53 %
Toga 39 %
Fruit 36 %
So we see that Rybka is one of the fastest searchers (and its superiority should be specially pronounced at blitz) whereas Fruit and Toga are incredibly weaker when a too short thinking time is given.
PS : the absolute number of positions solved by the diferent engines with 180 seconds per move was : Rybka and Shredder 68, Toga and Fruit 61, Gandalf 60, Ktulu 55.