Moderator: Andres Valverde
H.G.Muller wrote:As an exercise in HTML I have now built a web site for my 2000-character chess program micro-Max. It can be found at:
I hope to host more chess pages on that site in the future.
Uri Blass wrote:I wonder if the program was tested to see what is it's level relative to other engines.
Of course it cannot be very strong with little number of lines but considering the fact that tscp does not use hash I will not be surprised if it is better than tscp and even at the level of Gerbil.
Uri Blass wrote:Did somebody try to change it to be winboard program and test it?
/* micro-Max, */
/* A chess program smaller than 2KB (of non-blank source), by H.G. Muller */
/* version 3.2 (2000 characters) features: */
/* - recursive negamax search */
/* - quiescence search with recaptures */
/* - recapture extensions */
/* - (internal) iterative deepening */
/* - best-move-first 'sorting' */
/* - a hash table storing score and best move */
/* - full FIDE rules (expt minor ptomotion) and move-legality checking */
/* hash table, 16M+8 entries*/
static struct hash {
int K,
char X,
} A[16777224];
static int V = 112, /* V=0x70=rank mask, M=0x88 */
M = 136,
S = 128,
I = 8e3,
C = 799,
static char O,
/* relative piece values */
w[] = {0, 1, 1, 3, -1, 3, 5, 9},
/* step-vector lists 1st dir. in o[] per piece initial piece setup */
o[] = {-16, -15, -17, 0, 1, 16, 0, 1, 16, 15, 17, 0, 14, 18, 31, 33, 0, 7, -1, 11, 6, 8, 3, 6, 6, 3, 5, 7, 4, 5, 3, 6},
/* board: half of 16x8+dummy*/
/* hash translation table */
/* piece symbols on printout*/
n[] = ".?+nkbrq?*?NKBRQ";
/* recursive minimax search, k=moving side, n=depth */
/* (q,l)=window, e=current eval. score, E=e.p. sqr. */
/* e=score, z=prev.dest; J,Z=hashkeys; return score */
static int D(int k, int q, int l, int e, int J, int Z, int E, int z, int n)
int j,
i = 9,
char t,
struct hash *a = A;
j = (k * E ^ J) & 16777224 - 9;
while ((h = A[++j].K) && h - Z && --i);
a += i ? j : 0;
if (a->K) {
d = a->D;
v = a->V;
X = a->X;
if (d >= n) {
if (v >= l | X & S && v <= q | X & 8)
return v;
d = n - 1;
X &= ~M;
Y = a->Y;
Y = d ? Y : 0;
} else
d = X = Y = 0;
while (d++ < n | z == 8 & N < 1e7 & d < 98) {
x = B = X;
Y |= 8 & Y >> 4;
m = d > 1 ? -I : e;
do {
u = b[x];
if (u & k) {
r = p = u & 7;
j = o[p + 16];
while (r = p > 2 & r < 0 ? -r : -o[++j]) {
y = x;
F = G = S;
do {
H = y += r;
if (Y & 8)
H = y = Y & ~M;
if (y & M)
if (p < 3 & y == E)
H = y ^ 16;
t = b[H];
if (t & k | p < 3 & !(r & 7) != !t)
i = 99 * w[t & 7];
if (i < 0 || E - S && b[E] && y - E < 2 & E - y < 2)
m = I;
if (m >= l)
goto C;
if (h = d - (y != z)) {
v = p < 6 ? b[x + 8] - b[y + 8] : 0;
b[G] = b[H] = b[x] = 0;
b[y] = u & 31;
if (!(G & M)) {
b[F] = k + 6;
v += 30;
if (p < 3) {
v -= 9 * (((x - 2) & M || b[x - 2] != u) +
((x + 2) & M || b[x + 2] != u) - 1);
if (y + r + 1 & S) {
b[y] |= 7;
i += C;
v = -D(24 - k, // int k=moving side
-l - (l > e), // int q, (q,l)=window
m > q ? -m : -q, // int l,
-e - v - i, // int e=current eval
J + *(int *) (T + y + 0 + (b[y] & 8) + S * (b[y] & 7))
- *(int *) (T + x + 0 + (u & 8) + S * (u & 7))
- *(int *) (T + H + 0 + (t & 8) + S * (t & 7)), // int J, hashkey
Z + *(int *) (T + y + 8 + (b[y] & 8) + S * (b[y] & 7))
- *(int *) (T + x + 8 + (u & 8) + S * (u & 7))
- *(int *) (T + H + 8 + (t & 8) + S * (t & 7)) + G - S,// int Z, hashkey
F, // int E, E=e.p. sqr.
y, // int z=prev.dest
h // int n=depth
v -= v > e;
if (z == 9) {
if (v != -I & x == K & y == L) {
Q = -e - i;
O = F;
return l;
v = m;
b[G] = k + 38;
b[F] = b[y] = 0;
b[x] = u;
b[H] = t;
if (Y & 8) {
m = v;
Y &= ~8;
goto A;
if (v > m) {
m = v;
X = x;
Y = y | S & G;
t += p < 5;
if (p < 3 & 6 * k + (y & V) == S
|| (u & ~24) == 36 & j == 7 &&
G & M && b[G = (x | 7) - (r >> 1 & 7)] & 32
&& !(b[G ^ 1] | b[G ^ 2])
) {
F = y;
} while (!t);
} while ((x = x + 9 & ~M) - B);
if (m > I / 4 | m < -I / 4)
d = 99;
m = m + I ? m : -D(24 - k, -I, I, 0, J, Z, S, z, 1) / 2;
if (!a->K | (a->X & M) != M | a->D <= d) {
a->K = Z;
a->V = m;
a->D = d;
A->K = 0;
a->X = X | 8 * (m > q) | S * (m < l);
a->Y = Y;
if (z & 8) {
K = X;
L = Y & ~M;
return m;
int main(void)
int j,
k = 8,
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
b[i] = (b[i + V] = o[i + 24] + 40) + 8;
b[i + 16] = 18;
b[i + 96] = 9;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
b[16 * j + i + 8] = (i - 4) * (i - 4) + (j - 3.5) * (j - 3.5);
for (i = M; i < 1035; i++)
T[i] = random() >> 9;
while (1) {
for (i = 0; i < 121; i++)
printf(" %c", i & 8 && (i += 7) ? 10 : n[b[i] & 15]);
p = c;
while ((*p++ = getchar()) > 10);
N = 0;
if (*c - 10) {
K = c[0] - 16 * c[1] + C;
L = c[2] - 16 * c[3] + C;
} else
D(k, -I, I, Q, 1, 1, O, 8, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 16777224; i++)
A[i].K = 0;
if (D(k, -I, I, Q, 1, 1, O, 9, 2) == I)
k ^= 24;
return 0;
Dann Corbit wrote:Uri Blass wrote:I wonder if the program was tested to see what is it's level relative to other engines.
Of course it cannot be very strong with little number of lines but considering the fact that tscp does not use hash I will not be surprised if it is better than tscp and even at the level of Gerbil.
I disagree. Small line count programs can be very, very strong.
Consider Thinker. I guess that it is about the number of lines of TSCP.
If his program can play Winboard capable, I guess it will be tested before long.Uri Blass wrote:Did somebody try to change it to be winboard program and test it?
Dann Corbit wrote:SamChess promoted through 2 leagues in G.L.'s touraments:
If you look at SamChess, I think it is incredibly tiny for a functional Winboard program.
And yet it is clearly not the weakest program.
I think that we all toil in vain here, though. Lance Perkins, who wrote Thinker, is the master of the tiny-tiny grenade with a great big KABOOM.
H.G.Muller wrote:I would love to learn how to make an engine Winboard compatible. What would be the best approach to this? Should I study GNUchess to figure out the interface definition? In what source file of GNUchess should I look?
H.G.Muller wrote:I guess that in the compactness vs complexity issue there is an automatic stabilizing effect: less code usually means faster execution, and more nodes per second, if the codes are not unduly wastefull. So the fact that the evaluation is very simplistic (something that is unavoidable in a project like this) is partly compensated by a seach-speed increas of perhaps a factor 3 compared to a more elaborate evaluation (such as counting mobility). The move generator of micro-Max might waste a factor 2-3 in search speed by scanning the board to find his own pieces, in stead of having a piece-list data structure besides the board array (but TSCP seems to do this too).
Evaluation clearly is the weakest point in micro-Max, compared to other engines. Making the search efficient was much more important, the move sorting affects the branching ratio and affects the performance exponentially, while move-generator speed only affects the pre-factor. The current move sorting does not seem so bad, despite the fact that only a single move is lifted from the essentially random move-generator-dictated order to try first. In a test it seemed to search only twice the number of nodes that was theoretically necessary, and that included the overhead due to the iterative deepening. I considered this pretty good, although the positon I tested this on (the initial position) might not be representative, and I should repeat it on a tacticly highly complicated middle-game position once.
I would love to learn how to make an engine Winboard compatible. What would be the best approach to this? Should I study GNUchess to figure out the interface definition? In what source file of GNUchess should I look?
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