I don't know if this is a programming topic and not even if it's interesting at all but here it comes!
I've noticed how different engines uses completely different styles when it comes to version numbering. Often long number strings with almost no meaning at all. Terra is no exception. The latest one is Terra 3.3 beta11. This is a beta version that later on will be Terra 3.3. This is ridiculous for software that constantly changes
I've decided that my new engine Alaric wont have any beta versions at all or more accurate "all versions are beta versions"...
The version number will just be a date. My first release will probably be Alaric 0412, meaning December in 2004. If I for some stupid reason will relase another one during the same month I will add the day number. For instance Alaric 041224, meaning December 24 in 2004.
This at least makes some sense to me.