WinBoard als GUI für Internetschachserver (von Clemens

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WinBoard als GUI für Internetschachserver (von Clemens

Postby Volker Pittlik » 31 Aug 1999, 22:30

Clemens Keck hat uns einen hervorragenden Artikel über WinBoard am ICS zur Verfügung gestellt.
An dieser Stelle mein herzlicher Dank an Clemens.
Volker Pittlik
Volker Pittlik

Re: WinBoard als GUI für Internetschachserver (von Clem

Postby Pete Galati » 02 Sep 1999, 03:00

Clemens Keck hat uns einen hervorragenden Artikel über WinBoard am ICS zur Verfügung gestellt.
An dieser Stelle mein herzlicher Dank an Clemens.
Volker Pittlik
I notice a big Winboard following amoung German speaking people, so I'm very curious as to why Winboard's code has not been translated and compiled as a German program? called maybe DeutschesBrett ?
Pete Galati

Re: WinBoard als GUI für Internetschachserver (von Clem

Postby Murx » 02 Sep 1999, 20:03

Clemens Keck hat uns einen hervorragenden Artikel über WinBoard am ICS zur Verfügung gestellt.
An dieser Stelle mein herzlicher Dank an Clemens.
Volker Pittlik
I notice a big Winboard following amoung German speaking people, so I'm very curious as to why Winboard's code has not been translated and compiled as a German program? called maybe DeutschesBrett ?
Hi Pete
ich lach mich schief!1 DeutschesBrett klingt nach ner Frau mit wenig Busen!
MfG Clemens
Hi Pete
it is verry amusing what you write. DeutschesBrett sounds like a german woman which has verry small breasts.
I hope you have sense of humor.
kind regards Clemens

Re: WinBoard als GUI für Internetschachserver (von Clem

Postby Pete Galati » 02 Sep 1999, 22:49

Clemens Keck hat uns einen hervorragenden Artikel über WinBoard am ICS zur Verfügung gestellt.
An dieser Stelle mein herzlicher Dank an Clemens.
Volker Pittlik
I notice a big Winboard following amoung German speaking people, so I'm very curious as to why Winboard's code has not been translated and compiled as a German program? called maybe DeutschesBrett ?
Hi Pete
ich lach mich schief!1 DeutschesBrett klingt nach ner Frau mit wenig Busen!
MfG Clemens
Hi Pete
it is verry amusing what you write. DeutschesBrett sounds like a german woman which has verry small breasts.
I hope you have sense of humor.
kind regards Clemens
That's pretty funny, not that I have anything against German woman with small breasts. That's what I get for using Altavista's translator! Are you saying that a German woman with small breasts is a bad thing to call a German Winboard? :-) It sounds ok to me. If it could be named a German woman with BIG breasts it would get more attention though.
Pete Galati

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