Moderator: Andres Valverde
Volker Pittlik wrote:Some of you may have noticed that the forum is displayed different. I have removed all board styles except subSilver.
Reasons: each style doubles my ammount of work in case of updates. Additional to the normal update I have to do the update in each style. When that is done all the mods have to be installed in each style and sometimes even in different languages!
As only the subSilver styles is the one which is supported by phpBB and includes always the newest security features I have disabled the other styles. The same will happen to unused languages soon.
If someone has really problems to read the forum we can try to create a theme for the existing style. That would have the advantage that there are no separate updates necessary.
Volker Pittlik wrote:If someone has really problems to read the forum we can try to create a theme for the existing style. That would have the advantage that there
Will Singleton wrote:You've probably addressed this already, but would it be possible to add the option for threaded view?...
F.Huber wrote:...
this ?wide? screen format is really annoying on a 800x600 display - please make a smaller format available again!
Volker Pittlik wrote:One question: 1024*768 pixel are standard for a long time. AFAIK all monitors at work have to be able to display it by law for a long time. Have you ever thought about updating your hardware? Flatscreens are cheap, don't annoy you with radiation and are a pleasure for the eyes .
Volker Pittlik wrote:One question: 1024*768 pixel are standard for a long time. AFAIK all monitors at work have to be able to display it by law for a long time. Have you ever thought about updating your hardware? Flatscreens are cheap, don't annoy you with radiation and are a pleasure for the eyes .
F.Huber wrote:...
But almost all internet sites are still using this smaller format - and it has worked now in this WB-forum since it started, so why this change?
Volker Pittlik wrote:So if you are really interested please accept my invitation and I will enable you to create a theme which is appropiate for you. This invitation is valid for everyone.
F.Huber wrote:...
If I get detailled informations, how to create such a theme, I?d like to try it ...
Volker Pittlik wrote:Will Singleton wrote:You've probably addressed this already, but would it be possible to add the option for threaded view?...
This afternoon...
Volker Pittlik wrote:...
It seems the thread view works fine with 1280*960 pixels only. Thats far to small for me...
F.Huber wrote:...
Wahrscheinlich richtet sich die Breite des gesamten Forums eben nach der l?ngsten Zeile in diesem Header
Volker Pittlik wrote:Ja. Besser jetzt?
F.Huber wrote:...
War die ganze M?he mit dem ?Testforum? umsonst - aber vielleicht w?r ich anders gar nicht auf die Idee mit der langen Zeile gekommen ...
Tord Romstad wrote:...With my normal browser window size, I have to scroll horizontally in order to read.
Volker Pittlik wrote:Das sollte auch repariert sein. Das eigentliche Problem von einigen Leuten ist, dass sie aufgrund der farben die Schrift nicht lesen k?nnen. Das zu l?sen w?re mal einen Aufwand wert.
Uschi wrote:...
reicht es zur besseren Lesbarkeit dann nicht, wenn man nur die Graphiken (die im Ordner Images mein ich ... ein paar Zeilen im css glaub ich w?ren auch umzu?ndern, geht aber flott) im Sub-Silver umf?rbt, dann w?r der Kontrast schon besser und du kannst die Mods und alles andere weiter wie im Sub-Silver bearbeiten?
Das kann sein oder nicht sein. Ich kann es nicht beurteilen, weil ich subSilver einwandfrei lesen kann. Wenn sich jemand f?nde der ein tats?chliches Problem hat und bereit w?re einige Stunden Arbeit zu investieren w?rde ich eine solche Aktion unterst?tzen.
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